This document provides a guide on how to install Docker on a Windows machine. Ensure that Hyper-V for containers is enabled in the "Windows add features" setting before starting the installation process.
Step 1: Check If Your Windows OS Supports Hyper-V
Step 2: Enable Hyper-V feature
To enable Hyper-V on Windows, use the following steps:
Open 'Control Panel' on your computer.
Click on 'Programs'.
Under the 'Programs and Features' section, click on 'Turn Windows features on or off'.
In the 'Windows Features' window, locate 'Hyper-V'.
Expand it by clicking on the '+' icon or the arrow next to it.
To enable all the features of Hyper-V, tick on all the checkboxes under 'Hyper-V'. If you specifically want to enable 'Hyper-V for containers', tick on 'Hyper-V Platform' and 'Hyper-V Services'.
Click on 'OK'. Windows will apply the changes and may ask to restart your computer.
Step 4 : Uninstall Existing DockerMsftProvider If DockerMsftProvider exists, you need to uninstall it first. Open your PowerShell as an admin and run the following command: Uninstall-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Force
This command will forcefully remove DockerMsftProvider if it exists in your machine.
Step 5: Install DockerProvider Module
Once you have uninstalled DockerMsftProvider, the next step is to install DockerProvider. DockerProvider will allow you to install Docker. Execute the following command in PowerShell: Install-Module -Name DockerProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force
This command will forcefully install DockerProvider from the PowerShell Gallery.
Step 6: Download and Install Docker When the DockerProvider is installed, you can now download and install Docker. Run the following command in your PowerShell: Install-Package -Name Docker -ProviderName DockerProvider
This command will install Docker using DockerProvider.
Step 7: Reboot Your Machine After installing Docker, you would need to reboot your machine to complete the installation. Run the following command in PowerShell to forcefully restart your machine:
Restart-Computer -Force